HIRED! The Podcast (Ft. James Ellis) | Ep. #52

The Brutal Truth About Employer Branding

In the latest episode of HIRED! The Podcast, Travis Miller talks with James Ellis, a top expert in employer branding, about the often-overlooked strategies that can truly set a company apart. Ellis doesn’t sugarcoat his advice, starting with a bold statement: “If you can avoid involving the CEO in employer branding, do it. Don’t let them know what you’re doing!” He believes too many companies rely on outdated methods and focus on promoting how great they are, rather than what makes them different.

Why Being Different Matters

For Ellis, the key to successful employer branding is identifying what makes your company unique. He explains that branding is about embedding that uniqueness into every stage of the candidate journey. “The goal is to take what makes your company unique and embed it at every stage of the candidate journey,” Ellis says, emphasizing that it’s not just about perks like free lunches or competitive salaries. It’s about showcasing what truly sets your company apart from competitors.

Ellis shares an example from his time at Roku, where the company’s core value of autonomy was a double-edged sword. While some employees saw the lack of strict rules as chaotic, others thrived in an environment that prized freedom and independence. “If your company values autonomy, then you have to be honest about the chaos that can come with it,” Ellis explains. By embracing both the positives and negatives of this autonomy, Roku attracted the kind of talent that could excel in that environment, while filtering out those who wouldn’t. “You want to appeal to the few people who will thrive in your environment. Those are the best hires you’ll ever make,” Ellis adds.

Small Companies Have an Advantage

Ellis also highlights that smaller companies actually have a leg up when it comes to building a strong employer brand. Without the layers of bureaucracy found in large corporations, small businesses can be more agile and tell more specific, relatable stories. “You don’t need 100 million people to know your brand. You need specificity to attract the right candidates,” he says. By focusing on the unique aspects of their culture, smaller companies can attract the talent that fits their environment without having to rely on massive, expensive marketing efforts.

Authentic Employee Storytelling

Ellis points out that the most powerful voices in employer branding come from within. “Who do you trust more—the salesperson or the customer who bought the product?” he asks. Employees sharing their authentic stories and experiences create a more trustworthy brand narrative. He encourages companies to let employees take the lead in telling these stories, which makes the company’s messaging feel more genuine and engaging.

Final Thoughts

James Ellis offers a refreshing, no-nonsense take on employer branding. He encourages companies to focus on what makes them different, involve employees in sharing authentic stories, and be honest about their culture’s challenges. For anyone looking to rethink their hiring strategy, this episode is packed with actionable insights.

About James Ellis

James Ellis is a recognized authority on employer branding, known for helping companies refine their brand strategies to attract top talent. As the principal of Employer Brand Labs, Ellis is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and host of The Talent Cast podcast. With nearly a decade of experience, he’s worked across industries to help businesses create authentic and effective employer brands. You can find more of his work at employerbrand.ing.

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James Ellis

Employer Brand Labs

The Talent Cast


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