Resources for Candidates

Making a career change can be difficult, confusing, and terrifying. It does not have to be something you do on your own. Fortunately, you’ve found Miller Resource Group, and we’re here to help.

We’ve written and collected a wide variety of information about how to prepare your best self for the job search and interviewing process.

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Miller: putting candidate resources at your fingertips

We know there’s a massive amount of information online about recruitment and job interview processes. However, we know you deserve a more professional perspective. Our team has the track-record, passion and expertise to guide and provide you with resources, tips, recommendations and strategies to make the most of your interview.

First impressions really do count

It might sound cliché, but first impressions make all the difference in an interview. At Miller, we believe those first impressions can be enhanced with expert advice, knowledge and preparation: getting to know your interviewer and the company’s culture.

Top 5 Soft skills: what you need to know

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is talking about soft skills. They’ve become a buzzword and term that you’ll read in newspapers and top business magazines and journals. At Miller, we believe they are skills that must not be missed. Read on to find out more about these candidate resources.

First, what are soft skills?

Soft skills are not an option; they are a must. They relate to how you work, your style and your communication skills. They are sometimes known as interpersonal or non-cognitive skills, but the preferred term is ‘soft skills’.

The top 5

  • Communication: How well can you communicate with others? Can you lead a team without conflict? How do you get your ideas across? Communication is the key.
  • Conflict resolution: Can you break up a fight and understand both sides? This skill is key for C-suite and management positions in any sector, and for everyday life.
  • Teamwork: Can you open up to different ideas? Do you listen to everyone on your team? Remember that teamwork is the key to success.
  • Empathy: Can you put yourself in someone else’s shoes and make them feel better? This skill is more valued every day and employers really appreciate it.
  • Positivity: Can you lead the team to a positive result and generate enthusiasm? This is very important in your new role.

“The best companies are attracted to the best and most passionate talent. Become the candidate that the company can’t live without.”

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