Are You Ready for a Job Interview?

By: Miller Resource Group

Tags: Candidate Resources

You want to work for the company, they've seen your credentials and they've asked you in for an interview. You want the job. Here are some suggestions that will help make sure your interview goes as well as possible.

Preparing for the Job Interview

Thorough preparation is critical. It is great for your confidence in the interview room and it leaves a very positive impression with the interviewers.

  • Get the logistics right. Time, location, interviewer's name and position title
  • Do your research. Find out as much as possible about the company: size, scope, location of branches and offices, financial/share performance, range of products and services, etc. The company website and annual report are two good resources
  • Do more research. Make sure you have key data about your existing and most recent employers
  • Do even more research. Ask former co-workers to tell you about your professional traits. What did they most admire? Try to find some faults as well. This leaves you more prepared for questions such as "what are your greatest faults" or "if I were working with you..."
  • Prepare questions. The employer will be trying to work out whether you for the available role. You should also take the opportunity to ensure that the company is right for you
  • Practice (see below). Take time to run through some of your answers. Don't over-rehearse, but make sure that you are coming across confidently
  • Present yourself well. Find out what the company culture is regarding business dress code. If in doubt, go more formal not less formal. Make sure you are well groomed on the day

What You Should Practice for a Job Interview

When practicing for an interview, you should focus on the way you answer questions.

  • Be descriptive. Don't answer just "yes" or "no". Avoid over-answering. Make your answers colorful but not lengthy
  • Sell yourself to the interviewer but without exaggeration or lies. You are there to market yourself, "blow your own trumpet" and explain why you'd be right for the role but don't come across as arrogant
  • Avoid making negative remarks about your current employer, past employers or colleagues
  • Be determined. Make it clear that you want the job, even if you are given information in the interview that sheds a new light on the role. Be positive, then evaluate the opportunity again after the interview
  • Have positive body language and maintain good posture

Remember: expect unexpected questions. It's fine to pause for thought. it's also acceptable to admit you don't know the answer.

Tags: Candidate Resources

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