HIRED! The Podcast (Ft. Kim Blomquist) | Ep. #51

The Fresh Faces of Manufacturing

In the latest episode of HIRED! The Podcast, Travis Miller sits down with Kim Blomquist, the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications at mHUB, Chicago’s leading hardtech and manufacturing innovation center. Kim shares insights into the challenges and opportunities facing today’s manufacturing startups, how mHUB is driving innovation in the Midwest, and the importance of reshoring and workforce development in the industry.

From Vision to Reality: The Role of mHUB

Kim Blomquist kicks off the conversation by delving into the multifaceted role of mHUB in the manufacturing ecosystem. “We’re a startup incubator and accelerator with prototyping labs here in Chicago,” Kim explains. The organization focuses on three key areas: climate and energy, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing solutions. These fields are not only at the forefront of technological innovation but also play a critical role in the economic development of the region.

Kim highlights mHUB’s mission to commercialize technology that is physical and product-based, with a strong emphasis on supporting startups at the earliest stages of development. “Our hope is that they can launch at mHUB, grow at mHUB, and eventually graduate to become viable businesses with their own offices and manufacturing operations,” she says.

Building a Community of Innovators

One of the unique aspects of mHUB is its vibrant, community-oriented environment. “We have an active office space where people come in daily to use our prototyping labs and collaborate,” Kim notes. This sense of community is fostered through various events, including an annual barbecue that Kim describes as taking on the feel of a Chicago street festival. “It’s casual, there’s no programming, and people get to network and share ideas in a fun, relaxed setting,” she adds.

This community-centric approach extends to how mHUB supports its members in addressing their staffing needs. “We do a lot of community building,” Kim explains, describing how startups within mHUB tap into the collective expertise of the members, ranging from engineers to marketing professionals. This collaborative environment allows startups to access the skills they need without the overhead of full-time hires.

Navigating the Talent Challenge

When it comes to hiring, startups at mHUB face unique challenges, particularly when they’re competing with larger, more established companies. Kim discusses the delicate balance these startups must strike between finding the right talent and managing limited resources. “Usually, they can’t make their first hires until they’ve raised some investment dollars,” she says, emphasizing the importance of fundraising in enabling startups to grow their teams.

However, the entrepreneurial spirit is a crucial factor in successful hires. “Not everybody was made for startup culture,” Kim acknowledges, noting that startups often look for candidates with previous experience in similar environments or those who exhibit a strong entrepreneurial mindset. This mindset, coupled with a mission-driven approach—particularly in areas like healthcare and sustainability—can make startups attractive to top talent.

The Evolving Landscape of Manufacturing

Kim also touches on the broader trends shaping the manufacturing industry. “Challenges are opportunities,” she states, pointing to the ongoing reshoring efforts and the increasing importance of a strong, local supply chain. Kim explains that mHUB is actively involved in connecting startups with local manufacturers, which not only supports the regional economy but also aligns with broader trends toward sustainability and efficiency.

The conversation naturally leads to the topic of workforce development, particularly in light of the retirement of baby boomers and the skills gap that exists in the current workforce. Kim expresses optimism about the potential for reshaping perceptions of careers in manufacturing. “It’s not this dirty factory floor anymore,” she says, highlighting the importance of promoting manufacturing as a lucrative and intellectually engaging career choice.

Real-World Impact: Success Stories from mHUB

Kim shares several success stories of companies that have thrived under mHUB’s guidance. For instance, Ascent Integrated Tech, which developed a sensor tracking device for firefighter helmets, successfully closed a funding round and established offices in an opportunity zone near mHUB. Another example is Azul 3D, a company specializing in innovative 3D printing technology that recently raised a significant Series A funding round and is now manufacturing locally in Waukegan.

These stories underscore the tangible impact mHUB has on its member companies, helping them not only to innovate but also to root their operations in the local economy.

Preparing for the Future

Looking ahead, Kim discusses the challenges of balancing the need for new talent with the imperative to upskill the current workforce. She emphasizes the role of automation and AI in addressing these challenges but also notes the importance of changing perceptions about manufacturing careers.

“There’s a lot of community organizations, universities, and economic development agencies coming together to address this problem,” Kim says. She points to the importance of reaching young people early, before they make career decisions, and providing them with viable, attractive alternatives to the traditional four-year college path.

What’s Next for mHUB?

As mHUB prepares to celebrate one year in its new location on Chicago’s near west side, Kim outlines the organization’s future plans. “We’re focused on digging in and growing what we’re doing, taking our resources national, and continuing to attract talent from across the country,” she says. With its unique combination of resources and community, mHUB is poised to remain a critical player in the future of manufacturing innovation.

About Kim Blomquist

Kim Blomquist is the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications at mHUB, where she leads the organization’s national strategy at the intersection of tech and manufacturing. Her team is behind major events like the HardTech Summit and the Fourth Revolution Awards. Kim played a pivotal role in mHUB’s $50M acquisition and renovation of a historic facility in Chicago. She also oversees mHUB’s annual and investor reports and serves on a marketing advisory council for manufacturing workforce development.

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Kim Blomquist



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