HIRED! The Podcast (Ft. Luis Báez) | Ep. #47

AI, Burnout, and a New Era of Leadership

In this episode of HIRED! The Podcast, host Travis Miller speaks with Luis Báez, a seasoned sales and leadership coach with a rich background working for companies like Google, Uber, and Tesla. Luis shares his journey from sales professional to entrepreneur, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, effective leadership, and personal growth in the business world.

From Sales to Leadership Coaching

Luis Báez’s journey from sales to leadership coaching was anything but linear. “I stumbled into sales at a young age because I was a bit lost in the sauce,” Luis recalls. His natural ability to connect with people and drive results led him to roles at some of the most influential companies in the world. Over time, he discovered a passion for helping others succeed, transitioning into coaching and consulting.

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Leadership

Self-awareness is a recurring theme in Luis’s approach to leadership. “Developing self-awareness is something you do over time and you cannot do alone,” he emphasizes. Luis advocates for combining self-assessment tools with deep introspection and external guidance to cultivate true self-awareness. This process not only enhances personal growth but also fosters empathy and effective communication, essential traits for any leader.

Empathy and Authenticity in Leadership

Luis believes that empathy and authenticity are key to inspiring and motivating teams. Reflecting on his time at LinkedIn, he shares an anecdote about a leader who demonstrated genuine work-life balance and transparency. “It gave us so much permission to show up as humans,” he says. This human-centric approach contrasts sharply with the high-pressure environments he experienced earlier in his career, highlighting the impact of authentic leadership on team morale and productivity.

Navigating AI and Automation in Sales

In today’s business landscape, AI and automation present both opportunities and challenges. Luis stresses the importance of maintaining a human touch in sales outreach. “Anything you can do to interrupt the automation is gonna work in your favor,” he advises. Personalized videos and handwritten notes can stand out in a sea of automated messages, fostering genuine connections and trust with prospects.

Burnout and the Importance of Delegation

Burnout is a significant issue for leaders, especially in high-pressure environments. Luis shares his own experience of ending up in the emergency room due to stress and overwork. “What I learned from that experience is that I could have done a whole lot more to transparently communicate the things that were on my plate,” he reflects. Delegation and transparency are crucial for preventing burnout and ensuring sustainable leadership.

Empowering Teams Through Delegation

Effective delegation not only prevents burnout but also empowers team members. Luis advises leaders to create opportunities for their teams to take on responsibilities and demonstrate their capabilities. “You’ve got to develop that trust for delegation,” he asserts. This approach helps leaders identify all-star players and fosters a collaborative, growth-oriented environment.

Cultivating a Future-Ready Workforce

Luis emphasizes the need for leaders to invest in their teams’ development and align individual goals with organizational objectives. Regular check-ins, personalized coaching, and clear career pathways are essential for retaining top talent. “It’s about understanding what intrinsically motivates people and helping them achieve their highest potential,” he explains.

About Luis Báez

Luis Báez is a seasoned sales and leadership coach with a proven track record at top companies like Tesla and Uber. Specializing in business development, project management, and sales enablement, Luis is passionate about helping others thrive through data-driven and intuitive strategies. He is dedicated to fostering collaboration and success in every team he works with.

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Luis Báez



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