A Halloween Horror Story: There are less than 40 business days left this year! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

By: Travis Miller

No joke, it’s not even November and there are less than forty business days left this year. That’s even assuming you put in a couple of days Christmas week. Go ahead, check out your calendar, I’ll still be here.

This is terrifying when you realize how little time was left and how many things you still have to accomplish before New Year’s Day (and honestly, what do you want to accomplish five days before Christmas because; office holiday party, weekend, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, playing with toys for a couple days after Christmas, weekend, New Year’s Eve, hangover… Not a lot of business plans getting written during that span).

Now is the time to get it done. Whatever “it” is, doesn’t matter. If you write “it” down, say, “I will get it done” and start to act, you will accomplish what you set out to do. But, if you think you can keep going like today is any other day and you’ll be able to get everything done by the end of the year that you want to… you’re going to be standing there in an ugly sweater, holding a cup of eggnog, with a very long mental list of stuff you wish you had done.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

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