Are You Ready for a Job Interview?
By: Miller Resource Group
Candidate Resources
You want to work for the company, they've seen your credentials and they've asked you in for an interview. You want the job. Here are some suggestions that will help make sure your interview goes as well as possible.
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12 Steps to a Smooth Resignation
By: Miller Resource Group
Candidate Resources
Taking on a new role encourages people to look ahead - planning the next months and years of their lives. So with a new job offer in hand, it's not surprising that some people put little time or effort into making sure they resign from their previous job on a good note. Here are our tips:
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18 Ways to Impress a New Employer
By: Miller Resource Group
Candidate Resources
It can take four to 14 months to find the right job and fewer than 90 days to lose it. According to executive coach Linda Seale, most professional and managerial dismissals are due to failure to understand and fit into a company's culture.
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