Both Perspectives

By: Arelis Bageanis

A Message From a Former CEO, Now Free Agent


Believe it or not, CEOs and company presidents become candidates as well.  Take it from former RND Automation President Sean Dotson as he discusses what it meant for him to lead a company, leave his legacy, and start a new journey as a candidate.

Gary Miller, President of Miller Resource Group, and Sean Dotson, PE sat down on an episode of HIRED! The Podcast to discuss Sean’s new journey.  When asked by Gary, how it feels to be a free agent, Sean was quick to answer:

“Sometimes you don’t realize the impact you have on other people or other companies.  You don’t only leave a company when you resign, you leave all of the people you’ve built professional relationships with and you leave a culture that you helped build.”

For anyone, leaving a company is a hard decision, especially when you don’t have something lined up, but for Sean, he’s making it a point to take some time to really reflect on what he’s truly passionate about, realign and evaluate what is most important to him before taking that next step in his career to make an effective change at the next company.

Check out the full podcast here 👇👇👇


Sean explains how he led a team of people who shared the same values and how that made the culture at RND Automation so great. He explains that you don’t want to look for and hire clones – your company won’t grow if everyone thinks the same way, but if you find someone that shares similar core values that your company embraces – that is a culture fit.

“Hire someone who is a better culture fit over someone who might be slightly technically better.”

As the former RND Automation President continues, he urges leaders to consider the following to promote a healthy culture:

    • Encourage and advocate for open communication and follow-up

    • Encourage ethical, fair, and respectful debates

    • Unlimited vacation time while setting expectations and milestones

    • Hire people that share the same values but also bring a different perspective to the team

    • Encourage your people to grow and provide resources to help that growth

When you apply even just a few of these simple points, your team will grow, your business will grow and more importantly, your company culture will be in a healthier state.

Everyone’s journey is different, you may be looking for that next great employee, or, you may be looking for that next step in your career – either way, Sean gave us some great insight from both perspectives and we cannot be more thankful for his wisdom.

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