The Quiet Quitter

By: Lily Bageanis

Quiet Quitting“: There’s no solid definition, but this buzzword that is going around is not a new concept.

Every company has seen its fair share of quiet quitters from the disengaged employee to the employee that does the bare minimum. No matter the definition, we can all agree that somewhere during their tenure, they felt disconnected and lost their passion for the work/company they once held in high regard. They are no longer in the “honeymoon” stage.

Why? What happened? Was it the company’s fault? Or, was it the employees’ fault? Or, could it be just circumstance? Could this be a direct correlation to employee engagement? Or, the lack thereof?

Gus Bageanis and Travis Miller dive into the types of quiet quitters and the reasons or motivations behind what gets them to the point of disengagement with the company in a new episode of “Hired! The Podcast”. Check it out here 👇👇👇

Here’s a preview of what we can glean from the discussion:

    • The Connected: This is the person who loves where they work. They are fully engaged with the company they work for and they reject calls from recruiters, they enjoy who they work with and they are bought into the vision of their company. These are the people that most likely haven’t updated their resumes in years.

    • The Job Alert Subscriber: This is the person who is just doing the bare minimum at work. They are not excited or passionate about their job and they view it as an obligation. These people entertain calls with recruiters and consider a new role at a new company quite often. They most likely subscribe to job alerts and they may update their resume once a newer and more exciting opportunity arises. These people don’t generally go after a new role unless prompted.

    • The Turned-Off employee: This is the person who can care less about the company they are at. They completely dread coming to work and are there just for the paycheck. They are most likely the last person to arrive in the morning and the first person to walk out the door at the end of the day. They are also the person most likely calling recruiters and hoping or praying for another opportunity to fall on their laps.

All companies obviously want the connected employee and maybe they have a few or a handful of employees that are committed, but how do they get the rest of their team to feel they are at their destination employer and not have one foot out the door?


Although there may be many reasons for disengagement that are out of your control, you, as the employer can start with employee engagement.

If you’re actively showing your team that you view them as human beings rather than just a number or a metric and couple that with creating an environment of empowerment, you will see that your employees are more devoted.

There’s no perfect plan to execute a successful employee engagement program, but if you have one, you are already well on your way to having more committed employees. You may just need to dust it off a bit and reignite your team. If you don’t have one, it may be time to start looking at your retention statistics and getting a pulse check from your team.

Now is the time to take action before your competitors do!

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