What you MUST KNOW if you are a HIRING MANAGER

By: Gary Miller & Denise Chludzinski

What you MUST KNOW if you are a HIRING MANAGER -  - Miller Resource Group

Changing jobs is one of the biggest decisions people make in their life time.

Finding the right job or changing jobs is right up there with the decision to get married, have children, or move. This is a scary moment for most of us as we typically don’t like change and as humans the fear of the unknown can be paralyzing. I think many of us, especially on the hiring side, forget this. As a Senior Executive Recruiter my day consists of discussing change and helping people realize that goal. It’s easy to forget that changing jobs or starting a new job is such a big deal for candidates. However, if you look deeper that change often impacts some of the other biggest decisions we have like where we’ll live, will our significant other and family be happy with the new commitments/obligations in our new role, etc.

Hiring Managers, I’m talking to you

If you are responsible for hiring people within your company, I write this for you. You have the potential to change someone’s life. Do not take this lightly. Their choice to join your company or not will likely be one of the largest, scariest decisions this person makes. Be kind and be responsive. In my office, we often use the dating analogy. If you go out on a date with someone and it takes them a month before they setup the next date, the likelihood that you feel great about that prospect is slim. If you go out on a date and the other person jumps right into the big questions, without getting to know you, seems distracted or uninterested, again, not likely to make you feel all warm inside.

Culture and People Motivate

When I speak to people interested in exploring a job change often “culture and people” is one of the main reasons they seek a change. It absolutely supersedes money for most candidates I speak to. It’s described as “If I don’t like the people I work with, I don’t care how much money you pay me, I’m not going to be happy and therefore it’s not going to work.” Now that you know this, I am going to tell you a little secret: if you treat people well during the interview process, you will have more options for top talent, people will be more excited to join your company and you may even get people to consider your role for less than what they make now. I know my comments probably seem like common sense, but they’re not. Hiring managers, especially in manufacturing, are so busy with their day to day that the interview process often feels like a nuisance, an obligation, like a chore that must be done but often not fruitful…so frustrating. The more unqualified candidates hiring authorities speak to, the more distracted, short, and less personal they become. This only makes the problem worse. This creates a negative bias going into an interview. Then, by the time you find the right person, it’s not surprising the candidate goes away underwhelmed.  Can you blame them?

Try Something Different-Call to Action

So today, if you are a hiring manager, try something different. Today treat each person you speak to as if they could be the next Super Star you have join your company. Treat them with the compassion you would want someone to treat you with. Acknowledge that you understand how important this is to them.  Keep the process smooth and ease their fears by giving constant communication along the way. Remember candidates are making one of the biggest decisions of their lives. Be empathetic, help them choose you.

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