Industrial Technology

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May 02

The Circumstance Hunter

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

People call us headhunters…I take no offense.  True, we do look for people that have the skills to do a job, but even if we find the perfect person, if the circumstances aren’t right, then no deal.  If there aren’t at least three conditions present, none of which can be gleaned from a resume, then all the interviewing and courting in the world won’t help.

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May 02

The Circumstance Hunter

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

People call us headhunters…I take no offense.  True, we do look for people that have the skills to do a job, but even if we find the perfect person, if the circumstances aren’t right, then no deal.  If there aren’t at least three conditions present, none of which can be gleaned from a resume, then all the interviewing and courting in the world won’t help.

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Apr 11

What Does Your LinkedIn Profile Say About You in Six Seconds?

By: Dolores Sauter

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

We all know that the “job hunt” process can be an emotional roller coaster. Although online job application has made openings within your favorite company more accessible, it’s also muddied the waters. Companies are inundated with applicants, many of whom aren’t even close to being qualified. So, out of necessity and repetition, do you know how long most recruiters spend reviewing your resume? 

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Mar 12

Bull’s Eye

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

In Recruiting, you’ve got three targets:  Skills, motivation, and chemistry.

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Feb 07

We Serve Others by Growing Ourselves

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

I saw a video of a fellow up noted that the wealthiest and most successful people have a servant mentality.  True perhaps, but does that mean doing anything for your self is, well, selfish?

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Feb 05

“No Further Questions”

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

In the courtroom movie scenes, there’s always that moment when the attorney, with flair, says “I have no further questions Your Honor”.   Unfortunately, I hear that way to often and too early in interviewing and our clients tell us the same thing.  The mark of a great candidate is insatiable curiosity about their potential new employer.

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Jan 03

MRG Headed to the A3 Business Forum in Orlando, FL

By: Brenna Dunckel

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Recruiters Corissa Forman, Mike Sullivan, and Dominic Sartino are flying down to sunny Orlando for the A3 Business Forum from January 17th-19th, and their excitement is palpable. From awesome keynote speakers to excellent networking opportunities, A3 puts on a must-attend event for members of the industrial automation industry. Our recruiters are excited to return to the A3 Business Forum to connect with clients and candidates alike that share their passion for industrial automation.

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Dec 11

Goals & Rewards

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

We’ve read and heard about the importance of GOAL SETTING…the importance of having them written and reviewing them often.

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Dec 08


By: Tina Bures

Tags: Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Often times in my conversations with hiring authorities across the Air Handling/Combustion industries I’m asked:  "What are you seeing in the industry right now?  What’s the biggest thing companies are looking for and what do candidates want?”  Without question, the most common topic is this:

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Nov 27

Everyone Wants An A Player…Where Are They?

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

People talk and write about accessing the hidden job market but very few people actually define it. I'll take that liberty. Simply put, the hidden job market is about positions that are forming in the minds of the executives who lead. It may be a solo operator thinking about his first hire, or an executive at a Fortune 50 company with thousands of people...

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Nov 20

The Hidden Job Market

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

People talk and write about accessing the hidden job market but very few people actually define it. I'll take that liberty.  Simply put, the hidden job market is about positions that are forming in the minds of the executives who lead. It may be a solo operator thinking about his first hire, or an executive at a Fortune 50 company with thousands of people on their org chart. The attributes are the same...they're thinking about changes but haven't shared the news.

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