Candidate Resources

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Jan 07

12 Steps to a Smooth Resignation

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Taking on a new role encourages people to look ahead – planning the next months and years of their lives. So with a new job offer in hand, it’s not surprising that some people put little time or effort into making sure they resign from their previous job on a good note.

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Jan 07

12 Steps to a Smooth Resignation

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Taking on a new role encourages people to look ahead – planning the next months and years of their lives. So with a new job offer in hand, it’s not surprising that some people put little time or effort into making sure they resign from their previous job on a good note.

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Nov 12

How Many People Would Move to Work for Your Company?

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

This year we had the pleasure of sponsoring Control Engineering Annual Salary Survey, and as a sponsor, we were able to ask respondents a few proprietary questions that only we saw the results to. The question we asked of Engineering Professionals was about their attitude toward relocation. We were amazed at how many people said they would with 66% in total responding in the positive. Only 34 % responded reluctant or not willing.

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Oct 31

A Halloween Horror Story: There are less than 40 business days left this year! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

By: Travis Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

No joke, it's not even November and there are less than forty business days left this year. That's even assuming you put in a couple of days Christmas week. Go ahead, check out your calendar, I'll still be here.

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Oct 17

Who wants to be interviewed by a robot? Hiring is analog, not digital

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Over the years, many attempts have been made to make recruiting and hiring a digital practice. With keyword searching and filtering being the primary initial screening in all computer-based transactions, many would have you believe that much progress has been made in streamlining the process and predicting success.

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Sep 18

Yards After Contact

By: Lily Bageanis

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

I’ve never been a huge Football fan at all, however, I have been getting into it a little more since my husband convinced me to join a fantasy football league. Little by little I’m starting to pick up on the football terminology and one of the things that really caught my attention just recently was a term called YAC.

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Sep 12

Hiring Season is Here!

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Football season is kicking off in September, the World Series takes place in October and the next thing you know, November and Thanksgiving are here.  These three months are also Hiring Season!

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Jun 13

“Who Dares Wins”

By: Gus Bageanis

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

A few weeks ago, my wife and I went out to see “The Avengers” movie for our weekly date night. During the previews before the movie, there was an interview with KISS front man Gene Simmons (yes, I just said that). And, while I really wasn’t paying much attention, there was a segment of the interview that really grabbed my attention. It was when Gene quoted someone named David Sterling. For those that don’t know, Mr. Sterling founded the British Special Air Service (SAS) in 1941. Essentially, the SAS is a special forces arm of the British Military and their work is kept highly confidential.

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May 18

Career Return on Investment

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

Here's an article to get you thinking about your career over the weekend. Take a peak, evaluate, and let us know your thoughts!

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Apr 11

What Does Your LinkedIn Profile Say About You in Six Seconds?

By: Dolores Sauter

Tags: Candidate Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

We all know that the “job hunt” process can be an emotional roller coaster. Although online job application has made openings within your favorite company more accessible, it’s also muddied the waters. Companies are inundated with applicants, many of whom aren’t even close to being qualified. So, out of necessity and repetition, do you know how long most recruiters spend reviewing your resume? 

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Mar 12

Bull’s Eye

By: Gary Miller

Tags: Candidate Resources , Employer Resources , Food & Beverage , Industrial Technology , Miller News

In Recruiting, you’ve got three targets:  Skills, motivation, and chemistry.

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